DevEnable is a desktop app for developers to manager their projects, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, DevEnable can get your project management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.

Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest devenable.jar.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for DevEnable.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app.

  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
    Some example commands you can try:

    • project -l : Lists all projects.

    • project -an/Orbital : Adds a project named Orbital to the project list.

    • project -d3 : Deletes the project with project id 3.

    • clear : Deletes all data from all lists.

  6. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.


:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    e.g. in project -a n/PROJECT_NAME, PROJECT_NAME is a parameter which can be used as project -a n/PROJECT_NAME.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g. n/PROJECT_NAME [r/REPOSITORY] can be used as project -a n/ProjectY r/AgentX/ProjectY or project -a n/ProjectY.

  • Commands are in the following format: COMMAND FLAG [ID/ARGUMENTS]. Every command starts with a command keyword, followed by the command flag, then the arguments for said command. Typically, flags start with a dash -, and arguments start with an identifier ID/ARGUMENT.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies client -a p/PROJECT_ID n/CLIENT_NAME [m/CLIENT_MOBILE] [e/CLIENT_EMAIL], client -a p/PROJECT_ID n/CLIENT_NAME [e/CLIENT_EMAIL] [m/CLIENT_MOBILE] are both acceptable.

  • If a parameter is expected only once in the command, but you specified it multiple times, only the last occurrence of the parameter will be taken. (Does not apply for Find and Sort Commands)
    e.g. if you specify m/12341234 m/56785678, only m/56785678 will be taken.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, exit and clear) will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.

  • Trailing extraneous input for commands that take in parameters will be considered a part of the last valid argument identifier unless the argument identifier takes in an index parameter . e.g. if the command specifies project -e n/New Project x/this is extra, New Project x/this is extra will be taken as the argument for n/ but if the command specifies project -e n/New Project p/2 x/this is extra, then only 2 will be taken as the argument for p/.

Viewing help : help

Displays a list of commands and functionalities.

Format: help

Clearing all entries : clear

Clears all entries from the list.

Format: clear

Exiting the project book: exit

Exits the project book.

Format: exit

Field Details

n/PROJECT_NAME or n/CLIENT_NAME or l/CLIENT_LABEL must only contain alphanumeric characters (cannot be empty or start with a space)
p/PROJECT_ID or c/CLIENT_ID or i/ISSUE_ID must exist and be a positive integer (1, 2, 3 …​)
t/TITLE cannot be empty or start with a space
d/DEADLINE must be in the format yyyy-mm-dd
NOTE: Clicking the Repository Link of a project will copy it to the clipboard
m/CLIENT_MOBILE must only contain numbers and must be more than 3 digits long such that any number with a countrycode can be added without any prefix or connecting symbol
e/CLIENT_EMAIL must be in the format (local name must be longer than 3 characters)
u/URGENCY must be an integer from 0 to 3, 0 for NONE, 1 for LOW, 2 for MEDIUM and 3 for HIGH
s/STATUS must be either Incomplete or Completed

NOTE: Multiple issues can have the exact same fields (other than the issue id), as it is possible for a project to have multiple of the same issues.

Add Command: -a

Adds a project, client, or issue to the project book. A unique ID will be automatically generated.


  • Project: project -a n/PROJECT_NAME [r/REPOSITORY] [c/CLIENT_ID] [d/DEADLINE]
    • Adds the project to the list of projects.
    • Adds the client to the list of clients and to the project with the specified PROJECT_ID.
  • Issue: issue -a p/PROJECT_ID t/TITLE [d/DEADLINE] [u/URGENCY]
    • Adds the issue to the overall list of issues and to the list of issues of the project with the specified PROJECT_ID.


  • project -a n/Coding101 Adds a project with PROJECT_NAME Coding101 to the list of projects.
  • client -a n/Bob p/2 m/12345678 Adds a client with CLIENT_NAME Bob and CLIENT_MOBILE 12345678 to the list of clients and to the project with PROJECT_ID 2.
  • issue -a t/Design GUI u/0 d/2022-09-12 p/3 Adds an issue with TITLE Design GUI, URGENCY NONE(0) and DEADLINE 2022-09-12 to the overall list of issues and to the list of issues of the project with PROJECT_ID 3.

Edit Command: -e

Edits the specified existing project, client or issue.


  • Project: project -e p/PROJECT_ID [n/PROJECT_NAME] [r/REPOSITORY] [c/CLIENT_ID] [d/DEADLINE]
    • Edits the project with the specified PROJECT_ID. The ID refers to the unique ID generated upon adding a project.
  • Client: client -e c/CLIENT_ID [n/CLIENT_NAME] [m/CLIENT_MOBILE] [e/CLIENT_EMAIL]
    • Edits the client with the specified CLIENT_ID. The ID refers to the unique ID generated upon adding a client.
  • Issue: issue -e i/ISSUE_ID [t/TITLE] [d/DEADLINE] [u/URGENCY]
    • Edits the issue with the specified ISSUE_ID The ID refers to the unique ID generated upon adding an issue.


  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.


  • client -e c/1 n/Amy Edits the client with CLIENT_ID 1 to have the new CLIENT_NAME Amy.
  • issue -e i/2 d/2021-12-20 u/1 Edits the issue with ISSUE_ID 2 to have the new DEADLINE 2021-12-20 and URGENCY LOW(1).
  • project -e p/4 n/ThirdProject d/2022-02-02 r/Jackson/ThirdProject c/2 Edits the project with PROJECT_ID 4 to have the new PROJECT_NAME ThirdProject, new DEADLINE 2022-02-02, new REPOSITORY Jackson/ThirdProject and new client with CLIENT_ID 2.

Delete Command: -d

Removes the specified existing project, client or issue.


  • Project: project -d PROJECT_ID
    • Deletes the project with the specified PROJECT_ID
  • Client: client -d CLIENT_ID
    • Deletes the client with the specified CLIENT_ID
  • Issue: issue -d ISSUE_ID
    • Deletes the issue with the specified `ISSUE_ID


  • The ID must exist and be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​


  • project -d 1 Deletes project with PROJECT_ID 1.
  • client -d 6 Deletes client with CLIENT_ID 6.
  • issue -d 3 Deletes issue with ISSUE_ID 3.

List Command: -l

Shows a list of all projects, clients or issues.


  • Project: project -l
  • Client: client -l
  • Issue: issue -l

Find Command: -f

Finds and lists all the projects, clients or issues matching the search criteria.


  • Project: project -f [n/PROJECT_NAME] [p/PROJECT_ID] [r/REPOSITORY] [l/CLIENT_LABEL] [c/CLIENT_ID]
    • Finds all the projects with the specified PROJECT_NAME, PROJECT_ID, REPOSITORY, CLIENT_LABEL and CLIENT_ID. The CLIENT_LABEL is the name of the project’s client, appearing as a label on the project card.
    • Finds all the projects such that the fields under the project contain at least one word from the keywords provided after each search criteria if the search criteria is project or client name.
  • Client: client -f [n/CLIENT_NAME] [c/CLIENT_ID] [e/CLIENT_EMAIL] [m/CLIENT_MOBILE]
    • Finds all the clients with the specified CLIENT_NAME, CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_EMAIL, and CLIENT_MOBILE
    • Finds all the clients such that the fields under the client contain at least one word from the keywords provided after each search criteria if the search criteria is client name.
  • Issue: issue -f [t/TITLE] [s/STATUS] [u/URGENCY] [n/PROJECT_NAME] [p/PROJECT_ID] [i/ISSUE_ID]
    • Finds all the issues with the specified TITLE, STATUS, URGENCY, PROJECT_NAME, PROJECT_ID and ISSUE_ID.
    • Finds all the issues such that the fields under the issue contain at least one word from the keywords provided after each search criteria if the search criteria is title or project name.


  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • The keywords provided must be valid arguments for their respective search criteria.
  • Repeated prefixes (e.g. t/Do t/Find) in a command will return results containing either of the two arguments


  • project -f n/DevEnable Finds and lists all the projects whose PROJECT_NAME contains the word DevEnable.
  • client -f n/Amy Bob Finds and lists all the clients with the CLIENT_NAME contains the word Amy or Bob.
  • issue -f p/3 p/5 Finds and lists the issue tied to project with PROJECT_ID 3 or 5.
  • client -f n/Amy e/ m/12345678 Finds and lists all the clients whose CLIENT_NAME contains the word Amy and with CLIENT_EMAIL and with CLIENT_MOBILE 12345678.
  • project -f n/AB4 AB3 r/tp/F13 Finds and lists all the projects whose PROJECT_NAME contains the word AB4 or AB3 and with the REPOSITORY tp/F13.
  • issue -f t/enhancement p/DevEnable AB3 u/HIGH u/LOW Finds and lists all the issues with TITLE enhancement and URGENCY HIGH or LOW and tied to project with PROJECT_NAME containing DevEnable or AB3.
  • issue -f s/Incomplete Finds and lists all the issues with the STATUS Incomplete.

Pin Command: -p

Pins a project, client, or issue to the top of the project list, client list or issue list.


  • Project: project -p PROJECT_ID
    • Pins the project with the specified PROJECT_ID
  • Client: client -p CLIENT_ID
    • Pins the client with the specified CLIENT_ID
  • Issue: issue -p ISSUE_ID
    • Pins the issue with the specified ISSUE_ID


  • Executing the command on an already pinned project will unpin the project.
  • The ID must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​


  • project -p 1 Pins the project with PROJECT_ID 1.
  • client -p 4 Pins the client with CLIENT_ID 4.
  • issue -p 2 Pins the issue with ISSUE_ID 2.

Sort Command: -s

Sorts all projects, clients or issues based on a specified key.

IMPORTANT: Unlike other commands, input 0/1 as the argument for each prefix (e.g.p/0)


  • Project: project -s [p/PROJECT_ID] [d/DEADLINE] [i/ISSUE_COUNT] [n/PROJECT_NAME]
    • For PROJECT_ID, 0 for ascending and 1 for descending.
    • For DEADLINE, 0 for chronological and 1 for reverse chronological.
    • For ISSUE_COUNT, 0 for incomplete issues and 1 for completed issues.
    • For PROJECT_NAME, 0 for alphabetical and 1 for reverse alphabetical.
  • Client: client -s [c/CLIENT_ID] [n/CLIENT_NAME]
    • For CLIENT_ID, 0 for ascending and 1 for descending.
    • For CLIENT_NAME, 0 for alphabetical and 1 for reverse alphabetical
  • Issue: issue -s [i/ISSUE_ID] [d/DEADLINE] [u/URGENCY]
  • For ISSUE_ID, 0 for ascending and 1 for descending.
    • For DEADLINE, 0 for chronological and 1 for reverse chronological.
    • For URGENCY, 0 for ascending and 1 for descending.


  • Exactly one optional value (the prefix/the sorting key) is to be provided (Command will not accept multiple optional values or repeated prefixes).


  • project -s p/1 Sorts list of projects based on PROJECT_ID from highest to lowest.
  • issue -s d/0 Sorts list of issues based on DEADLINE from earliest to latest.
  • client -s n/1 Sort list of clients based on CLIENT_NAME in reverse alphabetical order.
  • project -s i/0 Sorts list of projects based on ISSUE_COUNT from the highest incomplete issue count to the lowest.
  • issue -s u/1 Sorts list of issues based on URGENCY from highest to lowest.

Default View Command -v

Sets list of projects, clients or issues to be the default view when application is re-opened.


  • Project: project -v
    • Sets list of projects as default view
  • Client: client -v
    • Sets list of clients as default view
  • Issue: issue -v
    • Sets list of issues as default view

Mark/Unmark Issue Command: -m

Marks specified existing issue as completed or incomplete


  • Mark: issue -m ISSUE_ID
    • Marks the issue with the specified ISSUE_ID, changing its STATUS to completed.
  • Unmark:issue -u ISSUE_ID
    • Unmarks the issue with the specified ISSUE_ID, changing its STATUS to incomplete.


  • If issue is already completed, it remains completed when marked (the same goes for incomplete issue that is unmarked).
  • The ID must exist and be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​


  • issue -m 1 Changes the STATUS of the issue with ISSUE_ID 1 to completed.
  • issue -m 4 Changes the STATUS of the issue with ISSUE_ID 4 to incomplete.

Saving the data

DevEnable data is saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

Editing the data file

DevEnable data is saved as a JSON file [JAR file location]/data/addressbook.json. Advanced users are welcome to update data directly by editing that data file.

:exclamation: Caution: If your changes to the data file makes its format invalid, DevEnable will discard all data and start with an empty data file at the next run.


Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous DevEnable home folder.

Command summary

Action Format
Add Project project -a n/PROJECT_NAME [r/REPOSITORY] [c/CLIENT_ID] [d/DEADLINE]
Delete Project project -d PROJECT_ID
List Projects project -l
Find Projects project -f [n/PROJECT_NAME] [r/REPOSITORY] [p/PROJECT_ID] [c/CLIENT_ID] [l/CLIENT_LABEL]
Pin Projects project -p PROJECT_ID
Sort Projects project -s [p/PROJECT_ID] [d/DEADLINE] [i/ISSUE_COUNT] [n/PROJECT_NAME]
Set Default View (Project) project -v
Delete Client client -d CLIENT_ID
List Clients client -l
Find Clients client -f [n/CLIENT_NAME] [m/CLIENT_MOBILE] [e/CLIENT_EMAIL] [c/CLIENT_ID]
Pin Clients client -p CLIENT_ID
Sort Clients client -s [c/CLIENT_ID] [n/CLIENT_NAME]
Set Default View (Client) client -v
Add Issue issue -a p/PROJECT_ID t/TITLE [d/DEADLINE] [u/URGENCY]
Edit Issue issue -e i/ISSUE_ID [t/TITLE] [d/DEADLINE] [u/URGENCY]
Delete Issue issue -d ISSUE_ID
List Issues issue -l
Find Issues issue -f [t/TITLE] [n/PROJECT_NAME] [p/PROJECT_ID] [u/URGENCY] [s/STATUS] [i/ISSUE_ID]
Pin Issues issue -p ISSUE_ID
Sort Issues issue -s [i/ISSUE_ID] [d/DEADLINE] [u/URGENCY]
Mark Issue issue -m ISSUE_ID
Unmark Issue issue -u ISSUE_ID
Set Default View (Issue) issue -v
Clear clear
Help help
Exit exit